



donghae oppa

donghae oppa

eunhae ^^

eunhae ^^

super junior

super junior

Rabu, 02 Juni 2010

02 JUNI '10

Diposting oleh josephinehart di 05.30

hari ini campur adukkkk. ada seneng ada sedih juga.
dari senengnya dulu yeeeee,
senengnya karena gua bisa nonton SHREK FOREVER AFTER 3D. kerrrreeeennnn bangetttt, mungkin karena gua juga baru pertama kali nonton 3D. yah biasa lah. lebay dulu
tapi shrek kali ini yang biasanya gua ngakak ga nahan, sekarang malah kurang ketawa tapi sumpe, cerita nya bagusnya setengah mateeeeeeee.

but the bad thing is:
pertama, RACHEL DEWI tidak ikuttt nonton. saya jadi mau nangisss T.T
kedua, gua ga ikut nonton plus berenang satu kelas. soalnnya keburu janji sihh. pengen sih sebenernya nonton kick ass, tapi gua lebih suka shrek.

well, this week, something makes me down. almost everyday my hart with another girls. i feel not so sick actually. but you now me who very emotional.
well, if my hart want her, its okay. she is more perfect than me. she is more taller, thinner, prettier, funner, rich and smarter than me. kalo dibilang gua cuma tai tai nya dia doang tauuuu
yeah, after you making me jealous, you talking to me and have fun with me like everything have to forgiven by. yeah, you lucky, beacause i can't mad. i just save it perfectly in my deepest heart. i'll be okay, as long as you love me to.

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